3380 - for your consideration

Media Literacy & Social Issues:

Check out the National Association for Media Literacy Education, especially their one page handout of questions when considering media. As educators you should . . .

  • consider how the medium chosen impacts the message delivered

  • determine if the medium chosen fits the message you want your students to understand

Professor Ruben Puentadura’s model for technology in pedagogical practice is outlined in by the SAMR model: Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition. As educators raised as digital natives (Prensky, 2001), understanding how the technology works and how to best use it with your students to convey your subject is key. Puentadura’s model is one to consider as you plan for your students.

Phillip and Garcia (2013) argue eloquently for the centrality of teacher to learning in “The Importance of Still Teaching the iGeneration: New Technologies and the Centrality of Pedagogy.” Additionally, they provide a valuable history of how marginalization of teachers coincides with the rise of technology.