Media or Message? 

Translating Dickinson Digitally

Authenticated daguerreotype of Emily Dickinson while she was at Mount Holyoke.

Authenticated daguerreotype of Emily Dickinson while she was at Mount Holyoke.


The Challenge

To translate one of Dickinson's poems from strictly text to Text & Visual Other &/or Auditory other.   

The Purpose

To  experience the choices that come with taking a message into a different medium - to make real/present the choices that go into creating messages for different mediums.

The Method

A suggested approach: 

  1. Read the poem 
    • note images Dickinson uses 
  2. Determine essence of poem - 
    • what does Dickinson want her readers to understand from the reading?
  3. Determine what medium you're going to translate poem into.
  4. Plan your steps - 
    • 3 columns: poem | essence | corresponding image/sound/etc.
    • 2 columns: poem | corresponding image/sound/etc.
    • bubble map 
    • whatever your personal style happens to be - KEY IS TO PLAN
  5. Execute plan - 

The Needed Skills

  • Understanding of poetry
    • specifically decoding of chosen Dickinson poem
  • Understanding of new medium/s
    • visual literacy 
    • auditory literacy
      • tempo
      • dynamics
      • cadence
      • symbolism of sounds/instruments
    • digital literacy -
      • use of chosen platform & its
        • ownership
        • purpose 
        • target audience
        • impact on message

Links for Digifying Dickinson


Example: A Narrow Fellow in the Grass